Jenna O'Malley

Bound by Vengeance and Mind (The Merna Annals, #3)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230943112
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Soul Bard Productions, LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Enjoy this dark epic paranormal romantasy series by sci-fi/fantasy author, Jenna O'Malley where...
Balance Dictates the Price of Happiness...
Reunited under Nephtyri's command, the Arsinoëphorus Alliance of immortal magical users, merna, reorganizes against the Hunters' Guild. Empowered by the Goddess Nephthys, she leads an attack on Ephesus at a great price.
Will the family of immortals ever be the same?
Meanwhile, in England and France, Ian tests the strength of his new blade. However, he fears his human brother, Ronan, lives as the Imperial Lord Heir. Consumed with the needs of his new siblings, and Aryeh's distractions over missing memoirs, the merna king faces vengeance or capture.
Likewise, Frey frets over Lee's captivity in the hands of the Hunters' Guild and struggles with more responsibility. Saving his beloved catkin binds him to his siblings, old and new—just in time to share their anguish. Frey loves Lee to the point of bettering himself, but can Lee bring herself to commit to him and the council of immortals one last time?
Torn between self-medication and redemption, Frey learns old debts seldom disappear when accepting a fallen angel's aid. What will his decisions mean to his found family and all merna?
Can immortals save magic, or will humans end them to steal divine power? Find out by continuing The Merna Annals, an epic paranormal fantasy romance series, which contains a diverse host of magical heroes caught in the 17th century human world, fighting to save their fates and their loves from a desolate legacy of extinction.

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