Jennifer Browne

Happy Healthy Gut

The Natural Diet Solution to Curing IBS and Other Chronic Digestive Disorders. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 272 Seiten
ISBN 1628738316
EAN 9781628738315
Veröffentlicht Januar 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
12,85 inkl. MwSt.
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Millions of Americans deal with daily digestive malfunction and attribute it to genetics or faulty wiring. Jennifer Browne reveals the common denominator present in almost all chronic digestive angst: food. What we choose to fuel ourselves with has a direct impact on every part of our bodies, starting with the digestive system. Browne urges us to own responsibility for our own health and make conscientious decisions regarding the cause and effect foods have on our digestive tracts. Written in frank, humorous laymen's terms and sharing her own personal success story along with others', Browne passionately educates her readers on why a plant-based diet is the only prescription necessary for a happy, healthy tummy. Discover the direct correlation between digestive trauma and factory farming; the incredible benefits of juicing, fermenting, and sprouting food; the reason why GMOs lead to IBS; and what ingredients really just translate to “sugar” or “lab-created chemical.” Heal Your Gut is an easy read that is truly important and highly informative for anyone who has ever dreamed of a perfectly functioning digestive system.


Jennifer Browne is the author of several non-fiction works, including Happy Healthy Gut, Vegetarian Comfort Foods, The Good Living Guide to Medicinal Tea, and Baby Nosh. She's currently working on a book on teenage anxiety and finds inspiration for her projects within her own experiences. Browne resides just outside of Vancouver, British Columbia with her dog and three children, one of whom shot the photographs for this book. Tweet her @jennifer_browne.

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