Jess Miller

How To Beat The Energy Thieves And Make Your Life Better - Emotions

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0957248202
EAN 9780957248205
Veröffentlicht März 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Jess Miller
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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How to stop emotions such as anger, fear, loneliness, jealousy, envy, hatred or stress getting into control of the energy you are and stealing it away from you.
Powerful emotions such as anger and fear can get into control of the energy you are and steal it away from you by getting you to react to situations in ways that guarantee they take over the management of your energy.
All consuming anger can change you from a usually placid person into someone you hardly recognise, as experienced by those who, after coming under the influence of road rage, feel remorse and shame once their anger subsides and can't believe they acted the way they did while road rage was controlling their energy.
Jess's advice: when a powerful emotion such as anger strikes immediately recognise what's going on, take a step back and think hard about whether you want to go down this potentially damaging road or stay in control of your energy so that you stop anger from hurting you and others.
Fear works on differing levels, some where you become totally terrified and some that work quietly away on deeper levels within you in the form of stress. The system we live under likes to wrap fear up in clever words such as: apprehension, concern, nervousness, self-doubt, worry, etc., but behind each of these words lies fear, so all of them are your enemies because they create the stress that damages you within.
Your fears never help you, they only bring you down and once you learn how to master your fears, remove your energy from them and leave them behind you can change your life massively for the better.
In this second Energy Thieves book, on Emotions, which is the first half of the full book, Jess takes you further down the road to understanding how to manage and guard your great gift of energy, bringing you unique perspectives to help you manage your energy in better ways so you can find your way through the daily minefield of Energy Thieves we all face.


Jess used to be relatively wealthy, was stripped of his money in 1996/97 and had to learn to exist without it.
In consequence of this and many other traumatic experiences he descended into a physical fight for his life as well as going through depression. He found himself facing a series of daunting, self-finding experiences and it took him 5 long years to recover to an acceptable state of being, during which he had begun helping others.
He soon had people knocking on his door and telling him about the dreadful lives they were living and he found he was able to shine a light into their darkness and help them find their way to a better existence.
Still battling the 'dark energy' that has harried and hampered his efforts to complete his books and get them to those who will benefit from the powerful self-help message they hold he says he has had to 'live in a bubble of extreme patience whilst fighting a war of attrition against everything that tries desperately every day to thwart my progress towards helping others'.
His efforts to do so on a larger scale finally became reality in 2010.

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