Jessica Grace Coleman

Character Building

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1311073345
EAN 9781311073341
Veröffentlicht September 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Jessica Grace Coleman
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Character Building is a short story, also available in the Grown By The Wicked Moon collection by Jessica Grace Coleman.
When Robyn (a famous author) decides to write her masterpiece, she's amazed to find how fast the words are flowing onto the page. But when she visits a small town in Wales to get some inspiration, things take a turn for the worse. Will she finish 'The Crickley Bay Chronicles'? Or will her ambitions just be too big this time?
Want a Free Book? How About Two?
The first book in my Little Forest paranormal mystery series, The Former World, is available for free from Smashwords, so why not check it out now?
If you sign up to my mailing list at, you can also get the second in the series, Memento Mori, absolutely free, as well as the opportunity to hear about my new releases and exclusive Readers' Group competitions. How's that for a bargain?


Jessica Grace Coleman was born in Stafford, England and raised in the nearby village of Little Haywood, a quaint English location that would later be remodelled into Beth Powers' home village in the Little Forest novels.
Jessica has so far self-published five books in the Little Forest series: The Former World, Memento Mori, The Exalted, Carnival Masquerade and The Gloaming. She has also released her first short story collection, Grown By The Wicked Moon, featuring 14 weird and wonderful tales, as well as her non-fiction titles, Creative Ways To Start Creative Writing, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 and Write Your Life: The Ultimate Life Hack For Achieving Your Dreams. The Downfall is the first book in The Downfall Trilogy, and the sequels, The Rebellion and The Revolution, will be released soon.
Jessica also runs her own proofreading, editing and ghost writing business, Coleman Editing, working for clients all over the world. You can find out more about Coleman Editing at She also runs the Write Together Academy, home of the Write Your Life Method, helping people achieve their dreams through writing – find out more at
You can also find out more about Jessica, her available books, and her works in progress at her website: and you can contact her at You can also sign up for her mailing list – where you'll be the first to hear about her new releases and reader competitions – at

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