Jessica Redland

Sunshine After the Rain

A new instalment in the uplifting and emotional Escape to the Lakes series from Jessica Redland. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1835183220
EAN 9781835183229
Veröffentlicht 15. Mai 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Boldwood Books
5,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Pre-order the BRAND NEW instalment in the uplifting Escape to the Lakes series from MILLION COPY BESTSELLER Jessica Redland
Melanie knows she's been running away...
For the last seven years Mel has been hiding; from life, from her friends and from those who love her the most - her family. But being at home in her beloved Lake District has been far too painful for Mel to contemplate. Because seven years ago, Mel lost everything and she's never been able to banish the dark clouds that follow her.
But maybe there really is no place like home?
When Mel returns to Willowdale for a family event, she has no intention of staying. But surrounded by her family she begins to realise just how much she's been missing and also, how much healing she still needs to do.
Starting a dream job at Willowdale Hall, going on walks with Emma and her funny alpacas and reconnecting with those she loves, Mel slowly begins to see chinks of light and a more hopeful and happier future ahead.
And as Mel begins to feel stronger, she also feels brave enough to face the most painful part of leaving home...the one man she has always loved. With his help, can she finally banish the dark clouds forever and see the sunshine after the rain?
An emotional story of healing and hope. Escape to the Lake District with million-copy bestseller Jessica Redland, for an uplifting story of family, friendship and love.
Praise for Jessica Redland:
'Jessica Redland writes from the heart, with heart, about heart' Nicola May
'A heartwarming story of true friendship, love and romance set in the gorgeous backdrop of the Lakes. A cosy hug of a read that left me feeling warm inside.' Julie Caplin on The Start of Something Wonderful
'I enjoyed a wonderful escape to the Lake District in this tale of loss, love and rediscovery.' Gillian Harvey on The Start of Something Wonderful
'A heartwarming story set in a beautiful location... Love, friendship and the power of letting go are all covered in this gorgeous, beautifully written story.' Katie Ginger on The Start of Something Wonderful
'I loved my trip to Hedgehog Hollow. An emotional read, full of twists and turns' Heidi Swain
'The Hedgehog Hollow series is a tonic I'd recommend for everyone. There is so much to make you smile in Jessica's stories and they are always uplifting reads, which will make you really glad you decided to pick up a copy.' Jo Bartlett
'An emotional, romantic and ultimately uplifting read. Jessica always touches my heart with her sensitive handling of difficult subjects. The gorgeous community she has built around Hedgehog Hollow is one I hope to visit again and again.' Sarah Bennett
'A beautifully written series that offers the ultimate in heartwarming escapism.' Samantha Tonge on the Hedgehog Hollow series
'Hedgehog Hollow is a wonderful series that has found a special place of its own deep in the hearts of readers, including mine.' Jennifer Bohnet
'A warm hug of a book. I never wanted to leave Hedgehog Hollow.' Della Galton
'A heart-warming ride that navigates broken hearts and painful secrets, but ultimately restores your faith in the power of love. I adored it.' Jenni Keer
'I fell in love with this story from page one.' Helen Rolfe 'A tender love story, full of sweet touches and beautiful characters.' Beth Moran
'A warm-hearted and beautiful book. Jessica Redland doesn't shy away from the fact that life can be difficult, but she reminds us that we all can find love, hope and joy again.' Sian O'Gorman
'Achingly poignant, yet full of hope' Sandy Barker
'An emotional but uplifting page turner. A beautiful story of friendship and love' Fay Keenan


Jessica Redland is the million-copy bestselling author of novels, including the Hedgehog Hollow and Escape to the Lakes series. Inspired by her hometown of Scarborough and the Lake District, she writes uplifting women's fiction of love, friendship and community.

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