Jian Mu Zhao

Deadly Outbreak (Star Force, #6)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1990814778
EAN 9781990814778
Veröffentlicht 19. März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller BSC1337 Publishing Inc. Canada
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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I am Blackstone, Jessica Blackstone and a command center in Houston calls me in as there is a problem, an alien attack of the International Space Station. I am beamed up to my ship and I walk around the space station after leaving one of the bays of my space ship. An eight foot tall alien monstrosity I fight on low oxygen rations as my gear get's damaged. In Puerto Rico I ride on a Ducati trying to beat the earthquake as I rush to finish my time sensitive mission and have a little romance with a fellow marine. I enjoy food in Jamaica and carry out a triple assassination within a nudist resort. In the heart of the Congo I take a boat up river and attempt to survive a culling of the inhabitants as everyone deals with the aftermath of Leopold after so many years of him being there. After getting out of the Congo I follow the trail of human trafficking to Egypt where I must stop a plague. Undercover in Madrid I have to survive another set of assassins attempting to retire me. Paris film festival and fashion week have me in the French Quarter trying to promote a movie. I pose for magazines on the banks of the Seine and my movie is protested.

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