Jian Mu Zhao

Deadly Valkyrie (Star Force, #21)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1997518074
EAN 9781997518075
Veröffentlicht 21. Mai 2025
Verlag/Hersteller BSC1337 Publishing Inc. Canada
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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From 1600 AD in the Americas, Akiyo lives under different aliases. From early 1600s to 1692 AD wars in the heavens make the Earth's temperate drop and terrible storms are on Earth and Jamaica breaks in half when Akiyo comes down as a Valkyrie, but Akiyo knows that Ragnarök already happened. Creatures from the nothingness in the outer darkness attack the heavens and many of the golden palaces in heaven are destroyed. I, Akiyo, am a soldier in WWI, but I join the fight in 1916 before the US troops come and I am a US soldier and so I fight with the French against the Germans. In WWII my plane crashes and I am imprisoned and have numbers put on my arm as I am a Jew, but I am there before WWI ends and WWII begins. The Korean War I am a soldier in China for a while undercover and the Japanese don't treat me very well, and in the Vietnam War I am a US soldier again. I enjoy myself at Woodstock in 1969, the US think I am dead by this time as I am AWOL and then I am found out and arrested by a secret organization and imprisoned at a Black Site to the west of the Bermuda Triangle. A storm comes and the secret of why I do not die is revealed to me by an essence that calls itself Death. It is an essence because I am only 1% soul, something happened to split me into many lives.

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