The Musician's Journey - Jill Timmons

Jill Timmons

The Musician's Journey

Crafting Your Career Vision and Plan. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 2.
pdf eBook , 400 Seiten
ISBN 0199861331
EAN 9780199861330
Veröffentlicht Februar 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Oxford University Press

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The Musician's Journey escorts musicians, performing artists, music teachers, and advanced music students along the road toward a successful career, offering a vast array of resources to guide them from envisioning the process to achieving the practical details. Jill Timmons provides key tools throughout the journey, from sources as diverse as the world of myth to current brain research, which illuminate compelling real-world examples of music entrepreneurs who forged their own paths to success. Included are chapters on careers in higher education; guidance in how to develop a business plan; general tips on grant writing and financial development; a separate section exploring the stories of other successful musicians; and personal narrative taken from the author's work as a professional musician and consultant. The book includes an extensive bibliography of additional resources, and the companion website offers downloadable worksheets and questionnaires to help readers along their way.


Jill Timmons is known to international audiences and educators as a leading consultant in arts management. Her consulting firm, Artsmentor LLC, has helped countless music organizations and individual artists meet the challenge of today's market place. Timmons has performed as a pianist under the auspices of the NEA, the USIA, and has been heard on NPR, with concert tours throughout the US, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Spain and Chile. Dedicated to American composers, her discography includes recordings on the Centaur, Capstone and Laurel labels.


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