Jillian Michaels

The 6 Keys

Unlock Your Genetic Potential for Ageless Strength, Health, and Beauty. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 32 Seiten
ISBN 0316492280
EAN 9780316492287
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Little, Brown Spark
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Reverse the effects of aging and maintain optimal health for life through the revolutionary 6 Keys program by New York Times bestselling author Jillian Michaels.
With Master Your Metabolism, Jillian Michaels showed us how to take control of the metabolic machinery underneath our weight and health struggles. Now she's ahead of the curve again -- conquering the mayhem, myths, and misunderstandings associated with aging. After all, if you can decide your weight, why not your age?
Scientists and doctors have identified six major age inciters: metabolism, damaged macromolecules, epigenetics, inflammation, stress adaptation, telomeres.
The 6 Keys presents an ageless health, fitness, and beauty plan that addresses all six of them -- and gets them working for you instead of against you.
Empowering and rigorously researched, The 6 Keys outlines powerful lifestyle interventions, dietary guidelines, exercise plans, and vanguard strategies for cultivating mindfulness that restore and protect human performance, keeping you fit, healthy, and beautiful for life.


Jillian Michaels is an eight-time New York Times bestselling author and certified personal trainer. Michaels has dominated the health and wellness space with hit television shows, immensely successful fitness DVDs, her exercise streaming platform, an award-winning podcast, and live speaking engagements.

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