Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones

The Vital Psoas Muscle

Connecting Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being. Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 128 Seiten
ISBN 1905367244
EAN 9781905367245
Veröffentlicht Juni 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Lotus Publishing Limited
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The Vital Psoas Muscle presents an in-depth look at the most important yet abused skeletal muscle in the human body. Located deep within the front hip joint and lower spine, the psoas is critical for optimal postural alignment, movement, and overall well being.


JO ANN STAUGAARD-JONES is a certified Pilates and yoga instructor with a master's degree in dance and education. She received degrees from the University of Kansas and New York University before pursuing a career as a performer, choreographer, teacher, and movement scientist. She currently teaches interactive movement workshops across the United States and sponsors international yoga and holistic re