Joan Lambert, Curtis Frye

Microsoft Office Step by Step (Office 2021 and Microsoft 365)

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 18 bis 67 Jahre. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 560 Seiten
ISBN 0137544847
EAN 9780137544844
Veröffentlicht April 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Microsoft Press

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The quick way to learn popular Microsoft 365 apps!
This is learning made easy. Get more done quickly with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Jump in wherever you need answers-brisk lessons and detailed screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step.
. Discover new time-savers and usability improvements for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook
. Format and organize high-impact documents and use Word's enhanced coauthoring tools
. Build powerful, reliable Excel worksheets and analyze complex data sets
. Prepare highly effective presentations with PowerPoint's newest visual tools
. Improve your productivity with Outlook email, scheduling, and contacts
. Make the most of the latest Accessibility Checker and other new features
. Look up just the tasks and lessons you need
Download your Step by Step practice files at:


Joan Lambert has worked closely with Microsoft technologies since 1986, and in the training and certification industry since 1997, guiding the translation of technical information and requirements into useful, relevant, and measurable resources for people seeking certification of their computer skills or who simply want to get things done efficiently. She has written more than 50 books about Windows, Office, and SharePoint technologies, including dozens of Step by Step books and several generations of Microsoft Office Specialist certification study guides. Students who use the GO! with Microsoft Office textbook products from Pearson may overhear her cheerfully demonstrating Office features in the videos that accompany the series. A native of the Pacific Northwest, Joan has had the good fortune to live in many parts of the world-including Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, and Denmark-and many of our United States. She currently resides with her family-one daughter, two dogs, two cats, and seven chickens-in the Beehive State, where she enjoys the majestic mountain views, mostly blue skies, and occasional snowstorm.
Curtis Frye is the author of more than 30 books, including Microsoft Excel 2019 Step by Step and Microsoft OneNote Step by Step for Microsoft Press. He has also created and recorded more than 90 online training courses for and LinkedIn Learning on topics such as Excel data analysis; supply chain, transportation, and inventory problems; and data visualization using Tableau. He lives in Portland, Oregon, with his wife, Virginia.

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