Joe Hutto

Touching the Wild

Living with the Mule Deer of Deadman Gulch. 150 color photos. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 1628735538
EAN 9781628735536
Veröffentlicht April 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
14,83 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

In Illumination in the Flatwoods, Joe Hutto unveiled the secret lives of wild turkeys to great critical acclaim, which resulted in the Emmy Award-winning PSB documentary My Life as a Turkey. Now Hutto has done it again. Touching the Wild is the enchanting story about one man who has lived with a herd of mule deer in the Rockies for almost seven years.
Due to the intense curiosity of one groundbreaking deer, and the resulting introduction to an entire herd, Joe Hutto has been allowed unprecedented access and insight into the minds and behavior of this special animal. Spending every day embedded among the herd, he develops an uncanny connection with the deer, witnessing individual and group dynamics never before observed and recorded, unveiling just how much we have in common with these delicate beings.
Each season brings joy as fawns are born, and heartache as hunters, predators, development, and a pollution all take their toll. The mule deer of the West are in trouble, and Hutto is their most fervent advocate. Touching the Wild is proof that we have so much to learn from wild animals about their world, ourselves, and the fragile planet we share. Full color photos throughout.


Joe Hutto is an Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, writer, and naturalist. He is the author such critically acclaimed books as Illumination in the Flatwoods and The Light in High Places, and wrote two award-winning films: My Life as a Turkey, and Touching the Wild, both PBS/Nature documentaries. He lived in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming in an historic ranch among the mule deer for nearly a decade. He now lives in the Florida Panhandle immersed in the stunning ecology of carnivorous plants.

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