Johann Balthasar Knörtzer

The Gabbin (The Lad of the Rings, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1954948026
EAN 9781954948020
Veröffentlicht Februar 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Knörtzer and Family
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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He realized just then that he could do it. He could do great things–if only people would force him to.
In the lands of Skiddle Earth, a Gabbin named Bobill is coerced by a mysterious Wizard into traveling across the world with a group of obnoxious insufferable Dorks, and to assist them in the taking back of their long-lost secret treasure hoard from a fire-breathing monster of old. Death, perils, frustration, and ridiculous nonsense await them around every turn of the long and dangerous road to the Mountain of Solitude.
This series is an action-adventure, with absurd humorous elements that are inspired by Tolkien's "Middle Earth."
"Written unlike any other series out there!"
If you love "Adventure Time," "Regular Show," or "Gravity Falls," you will love "The Lad of the Rings series!" This hilarious adventure takes you across "Skiddle Earth," where you never know what will happen around the next corner. What creatures may lurk, what treasures will they find, and what magical mishaps await!?

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