John C. Maxwell

Haga que su Día Cuente

El Secreto de su Exito lo Determina su Agenda Diaria. Sprache: Spanisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1455554464
EAN 9781455554461
Veröffentlicht April 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Center Street
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Drawing from the text of the Business Week bestseller Today Matters, this condensed, revised edition boils down John C. Maxwell's 12 daily practices to their very essence, giving maximum impact in minimal time. Presented in a quick-read format, this version is designed to be read cover to cover in one sitting or taken in as brief lessons in a few spare minutes each day. It covers such topics as:
-- Priorities
-- Health
-- Family
-- Finances
-- Values
-- Growth
Readers will learn how to make decisions on important matters and apply those decisions daily to put them on a path to more successful, productive, and fulfilling lives.


John C. Maxwell is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker who has sold more than twenty-four million books in fifty languages. Often called America's #1 leadership authority, Maxwell was identified as the most popular leadership expert in the world by Inc. magazine in 2014. And he has been voted the top leadership professional six years in a row on
He is the founder of The John Maxwell Company, The John Maxwell Team, and EQUIP, a non-profit organization that has trained more than five million leaders in 180 countries. Each year Maxwell speaks to Fortune 500 companies, presidents of nations, and many of the world's top business leaders. He can be followed at For more information about him visit Maxwell lives in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.

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