John Drinkwater

Poems, 1908-1919

Exploring the Human Experience in Early 20th Century Poetry. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 231 Seiten
EAN 4064066233235
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Good Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
1,99 inkl. MwSt.
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In "Poems, 1908-1919," John Drinkwater presents a poignant collection that encapsulates the multifaceted human experience during a time fraught with social change and war. Through a blend of lyrical elegance and vivid imagery, his poetry addresses themes of love, nature, and the stark realities of life, all while encapsulating the ethos of the Edwardian age and the tumultuous atmosphere of the First World War. Drinkwater's style is marked by a musical quality, employing traditional forms and techniques while also experimenting with free verse, thereby reflecting the evolving literary landscape of the early 20th century. John Drinkwater, an English poet and playwright, emerged as a significant literary figure during the early 1900s, his works often imprinted by his experiences as a playwright and his involvement in the wider literary community. His deep-seated awareness of the socio-political climate, combined with a personal touch in his writing, allowed him to connect intimately with the tensions of his time. Influenced by Romantic traditions, Drinkwater's voice nevertheless remained firmly rooted in the modernist movement, showcasing the resilience and complexity of human emotions amidst dire circumstances. Readers who seek insight into the heart of early 20th-century poetry will find "Poems, 1908-1919" a compelling exploration of love and loss. Drinkwater's ability to capture the zeitgeist makes this collection not only a testament to his talents but also an essential read for those wishing to understand the interplay of art and life during a pivotal era. Immerse yourself in these beautifully crafted verses that echo the universal struggles and triumphs of the human spirit.

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