Some People Talk with God - John Enright

John Enright

Some People Talk with God

Laufzeit ca. 600 Minuten. Sprache: Englisch.
ISBN 1531889638
EAN 9781531889630
Veröffentlicht September 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Brilliance Audio
Übersetzer Vorgelesen von J Paul Guimont
12,00 inkl. MwSt.
Lieferbarkeit unbestimmt (Versand mit Deutscher Post/DHL)

An old house, a new lover, a fresh life for Dominick - or will the faith-driven doom it all?
The past just won't go away. Dominick likes to idle there in history's comfortable remove, but when his mother dies and he meets the half sister he never knew he had, the past becomes more personal - and the present more dangerous.
In this sequel to New Jerusalem News, Dominick's perpetual peregrinations are interrupted by a visit to his newfound sibling's historic Hudson Valley estate, which is also home to a Wiccan coven. In one way or another, his departure is continually delayed by circumstance, brushes with the local sheriff, and the history of the place itself - a stop on the Underground Railroad.
Once again Dominick's quest for noninvolvement and a purely observer's status is thwarted by reality. In Some People Talk with God, follow the new misadventures of this charming wanderer as he encounters an ineffable world of lovers, schemers, and fanatics.

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