John Hudson

John Hudson's How to Survive a Pandemic

Life Lessons for Coping with Covid-19. Empfohlen ab 18 Jahre. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 100 Seiten
ISBN 1529054508
EAN 9781529054507
Veröffentlicht April 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Macmillan
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Life-changing moments can happen at any time and anywhere - not just in the extreme world. But life-changing moments can also happen more gradually and, as we've seen with the current pandemic, it can be no less of a shock when the realization comes. Accepting this and taking responsibility increases your ability to tolerate hardship and to restart your perseverance engine. This is the key to your survival mindset and one of the greatest skills to develop in life.
In How to Survive a Pandemic, acclaimed author and the UK Military's Chief Survival Instructor, John Hudson provides the key elements needed for us to cope with a pandemic - how to prepare rather than panic. From understanding that mindset is key and staying informed and make the right decisions, to practical advice on how to know your enemy, and defend your vulnerabilities, this free eBook is the perfect guide for coping with the COVID-19 pandemic we are currently facing, and how to come out of self-isolation stronger and wiser.
This is a free eBook and will appear as an appendix to How to Survive: Lessons for Everyday Life from the Extreme World, published in paperback on 28th May, 2020.


John Hudson FRGS is a survival instructor, broadcaster, writer, public speaker and training consultant based in Cornwall, whose specialist work takes him to some of the most remote and extreme environments around the globe. A former RAF helicopter pilot, John is the British Military's Chief SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance & Extraction) Instructor, and an elected Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. He's also been a resident survival expert on two series of Discovery's prime-time TV show Survive That - a.k.a Dude You're Screwed in the USA - successfully putting his own resilience to the test on camera in front of millions. From the darkest depths of a jungle cenote, to the top of a stormy Alaskan glacier, John's sense of humour and everyday stoicism have won him many fans worldwide.

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