Jojo Moyes

We All Live Here

The #1 Sunday Times bestseller. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1405943491
EAN 9781405943499
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin

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Dive into the Joyful Chaos of the Kennedy Household - Now the Number One Sunday Times Bestseller!
'The best book she has ever written' Marian Keyes
'Wise, funny and glorious. She never ever disappoints' Lisa Jewell'
'Her latest novel proves that there is no time like the present to rewrite one's own story' Jodi Picoult
Welcome to the Kennedy household:
Lila wrote a bestseller about keeping your marriage alive, before discovering her ex was playing happy families with another woman. A woman she sees everyday at school pick-up.
Bill, her stepdad, moved in after Lila's mum died. He's kind, old-fashioned and driving her absolutely nuts.
Celie, Lila's eldest, hates school. Hates it so much she's stopped going. Her mother's fine with that - because she doesn't know yet.
Violet is nine and sings age-inappropriate rap songs, laughs at fart jokes and Lila dearly hopes she'll never, ever change.
And Truant the dog, who has just bitten the American actor who's suddenly landed on the Kennedys' doorstep.
This is Gene - Lila's estranged father, and no one's idea of a role model. He walked out on Lila and her mum years ago - and wherever he goes domestic discord follows.
Because Gene's presence changes things in unexpected ways. Soon the girls discover a kindred spirit in a man always chasing life's joy. Bill even loosens up. And Lila finds herself, astonishingly, dating.
Something is happening to the Kennedy household - but what is it?
And will it break, or save, their family?
Praise for We All Live Here:
'Warm, witty and wonderful. The kind of book you smile at whilst reading' Chris Whitaker
Praise for Someone Else's Shoes:
'Giddily joyful. Moyes writes . . . with warmth and a wonderfully wicked sense of humour' THE TIMES 'BOOK OF THE MONTH'
'Delightful. Nobody writes women the way Jojo Moyes does' JODI PICOULT
'So much fun. Beautiful about female friendship' MARIAN KEYES
'A book we all need in our lives right now. A fabulous and funny romp' WOMAN & HOME
'A paean to women's solidarity wrapped up in a very funny revenge-fuelled caper' THE TIMES
'A warm, witty and uplifting novel... It's a joy to spend time with Jojo Moyes' flawed, likeable characters' SUNDAY EXPRESS
'A love letter to the strength of female friendship and how women can really be there for each other' GOOD HOUSEKEEPING
'Enchanting, bang on. Full of silliness and sorrow. An entertaining yet tender take on how to hold a family together without forgetting who you are' Herald
'So funny, touching and full of wisdom: Jojo Moyes at her very best' Sophie Kinsella


Jojo Moyes is a novelist and screenwriter. Her books include the bestsellers Me Before You, After You and Still Me, The One Plus One, The Giver of Stars, Someone Else's Shoes and her short story collection Paris for One and Other Stories. Jojo's novels have been translated into forty-six languages, have hit the number one spot in twelve countries and have sold over fifty-seven million copies worldwide. Me Before You has now sold over fourteen million copies worldwide and was adapted into a major film starring Sam Claflin and Emilia Clarke. In 2023, Jojo joined BBC Maestro's online platform of world-class experts with her course, Writing Love Stories, which is available now. Jojo lives in the UK.

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