Jon Broeke


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1370243944
EAN 9781370243945
Veröffentlicht Juni 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Jon Broeke
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Rebecca Carmian thinks she going crazy. It's been a year since her boyfriend, who turned out to be a serial killer, was shot and killed, and she knows that, but now she thinks she's seeing him, and that's not all, strange occurrences in in the school bathroom and in her bedroom have left her very confused. Then people start dying and she realises that she may not be crazy at all. Her boyfriend might be back, and he might be out for revenge, or maybe more if what the red haired witch who shows up on her door step tells her is true. Soon she, and her friends Ryan and Stacey, are on the run, but in a small mining town there's only so far you can run.


Jon Broeke (Born in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa in 1981) started his writing career at the tender age of 18 when he enrolled in the Writer's Write course to learn how to become a fiction novelist. Through some trials and tribulations his first novel, Ripter, a teen horror, was published in 2009 through various self-publishing platforms, eventually ending up on After a foray into the romance genre, Jon now focuses on Young Adult novels, and his first series, The WitchWood Academy Novels, are selling like hot cakes on Amazon and receiving praise all over the place. Jon now works as a full time author, working on his books all hours of the day and night, as well as working on stage productions, dance shows, his other love, and screenplays for films.

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