Jonathan Clements, Helen Mccarthy

The Anime Encyclopedia, 3rd Revised Edition

A Century of Japanese Animation. Third Edition. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 1160 Seiten
ISBN 1611729092
EAN 9781611729092
Veröffentlicht Februar 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Stone Bridge Press

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"Impressive, exhaustive, labyrinthine, and obsessive-The Anime Encyclopedia is an astonishing piece of work."-Neil Gaiman
Over one thousand new entries . . . over four thousand updates . . . over one million words. . .
This third edition of the landmark reference work has six additional years of information on Japanese animation, its practitioners and products, plus incisive thematic entries on anime history and culture. With credits, links, cross-references, and content advisories for parents and libraries.
Jonathan Clements has been an editor of Manga Max and a contributing editor of Newtype USA.
Helen McCarthy was founding editor of Anime UK and editor of Manga Mania.


Jonathan Clements has worked as a translator, voice actor or dubbing director on over 70 anime, including Grey: Digital Target, Sol Bianca and Musashi: Dream of the Last Samurai. He was formerly the editor of Manga Max magazine, a contributing editor of Newtype USA, and is now a contributing editor to The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, with special responsibility for China and Japan. He is currently a Visiting Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, and his latest solo book is Anime: A History, selected as one of the best scholarly titles by Choice Magazine (British Film Institute, 2013).
Helen McCarthy was the founding editor of Anime UK magazine, editor of Manga Mania magazine, and the author of Anime! A Beginner's Guide, the first book in the English language on the medium. She has appeared in several anime as a voice actress and produced the UK release of Beast Warriors. Her books include Hayao Miyazaki: Master of Japanese Animation, 500 Essential Anime You Must Own, Manga Cross-Stitch and The Art of Osamu Tezuka: God of Manga, which won the Harvey Award. She has just completed A Brief History of Manga for Ilex Press.

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