Jonathan R P Taylor


Freud, Stalin, Trotsky, Tito & Hitler - Central Coffeehouse Vienna 1913- (Cast 8). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1304813207
EAN 9781304813206
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2023
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This title is a stageplay adaptation (Acting edition) from the novel of the same name. It is a fact that all 5 men lived in Vienna at the same time - There is no historical account of the time that factually clarifies that Hitler met Trotsky, or if Stalin knew Tito, or if Freud knew any of them at all. Maybe they never did but let's just imagine for a moment that they did. For the purpose of this stage play, the question now becomes - what on earth would they have found the time to talk about...
Single location / Cast: 8 - The Central Coffeehouse, Vienna. Also available from this publisher in printed book format.


The stage is set for one single location: The interior of the Central Coffeehouse (Vienna). To the far left of stage is Freud's writing bureau, chair, a rug and tall floor lamp, to the far right of stage is Hawker's newspaper vending stand (Possibly a hand-pulled cart). Centre back is the coffee house entrance door, a single 'open' window is to the left of it. To the right of the doorway is the coffeehouse serving counter.
Words Spoken:
Waitress: 3806 (Regina Wiener)
Trotsky: 3345
Bucharin: 1107
Tito: 4524
Stalin: 3823
Freud: 3966
Hitler: 4721
*Hawker: 1289
Additional cast: Unlimited Coffeehouse Patrons.

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