Jonathan van Ness

Peanut Goes for the Gold (Ukrainian Edition)

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 4 bis 8 Jahre. f/c. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 32 Seiten
ISBN 0063321912
EAN 9780063321915
Veröffentlicht Mai 2023
Verlag/Hersteller HarperCollins
Übersetzer Übersetzt von Darya Peipon, Larysa Tsilyk
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Translated by Dasha Peipon, writer, editor and teacher, who's originally from Ukraine, and Larysa Tsilyk, a Ukrainian poet, HarperCollins Children's Books is happy to make available in ebook format this picture book in the Ukrainian language for no charge in the hopes that it will bring joy to displaced Ukrainian children and their families.
Jonathan Van Ness, the star of Netflix's hit show Queer Eye, brings his signature humor and positivity to his empowering first picture book, inspiring readers of all ages to love being exactly who they are.
Peanut Goes for the Gold is a charming, funny, and heartfelt picture book that follows the adventures of Peanut, a gender nonbinary guinea pig who does everything with their own personal flare.
Peanut just has their own unique way of doing things. Whether it's cartwheeling during basketball practice or cutting their own hair, this little guinea pig puts their own special twist on life. So when Peanut decides to be a rhythmic gymnast, they come up with a routine that they know is absolutely perfect, because it is absolutely, one hundred percent Peanut.
This upbeat and hilarious picture book, inspired by Jonathan's own childhood guinea pig, encourages children to not just be themselves—but to boldly and unapologetically love being themselves.
Jonathan Van Ness brings his signature message of warmth, positivity, and self-love to this boldly original picture book that celebrates the joys of being true to yourself and the magic that comes from following your dreams.


Jonathan Van Ness is an Emmy-winning television personality, 3x New York Times bestselling author, podcaster, comedian, celebrity hairstylist, and founder of JVN Hair. He stars on Netflix's Emmy Award–winning reboot series Queer Eye, where he shines as the hair guru and self-care advocate; and he hosts the popular podcast Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness.

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