Operation Car Wash - Jorge Pontes, Marcio Anselmo

Jorge Pontes, Marcio Anselmo

Operation Car Wash

Brazil's Institutionalized Crime and The Inside Story of the Biggest Corruption Scandal in History. 1. Auflage. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 2.
pdf eBook , 208 Seiten
ISBN 1350265632
EAN 9781350265639
Veröffentlicht April 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Academic

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A Financial Times Book to Read in 2022
Operation Car Wash is the inside story of two Brazilian Federal Police officers who found themselves at the centre of the biggest corruption scandal in history; uncovering a web of political and corporate racketeering which would lead them all the way to the arrest and imprisonment of the nation's President.
Through engrossing first-hand testimony, Pontes and Anselmo recount the uphill battle faced by the Federal Police in apprehending Brazil's white-collar criminals, in a country where the war on drugs has become a convenient distraction for the politicians and businessmen extracting billions of dollars from the public purse.
A historical record that reads like a political police thriller, Operation Car Wash is also a warning to the world: demonstrating how easily institutionalized crime can take root in a nation, and how difficult it can be to eradicate.


Jorge Pontes is a graduate from the FBI National Academy. He spent almost thirty years working for the Federal Police-first as an agent and later as a police chief-both nationwide and abroad, and devoted most of his career to the creation and implementation of units specializing in fighting environmental crime. He was an instructor at the National Police Academy and, in 2006, received the British Parliament Green Apple Award for his operations in the Brazilian Amazon. He was Regional Superintendent for Pernambuco, coordinator-general and elected member of Interpol's executive committee, and is former director of teaching and statistics at the National Public Security Department (Senasp), under the Ministry of Justice.


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