Joseph Barnett

Nature Magic on the Appalachian Trail Maine

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224267033
Veröffentlicht Februar 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Joseph Barnett
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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This book is about Maine, the first of a series experiencing the Appalachian Trail. Filled with colorful photos, made possible in an eBook, make this not just a backpacking book, but also a book that shows the incredible "Nature Magic on the Appalachian Trail." Subway Gramps' nearly yearlong journey from Maine to Georgia is divided into "section hikes" that could be hiked during several week vacations.
Subway Gramps began his southbound hike July 4th, on top of Mount Katahdin, watching hikers celebrate their 2,192-mile thru-hikes from Georgia to Maine. As happy as they were, a common regret was, "I wish I'd stopped more often to enjoy nature."
"Following fall," he stopped to watch pollinators turn flowers into berries. In Maine's 100 Mile Wilderness he discovered magnificent pink lady's slipper flowers that only grow in special forests, not in gardens. At a mountain bog he stopped to admire hundreds of delicately decorated, carnivorous pitcher plants trick insects into climbing down the pitcher to be "digested."
At night he peaked outside his tent to see the big dipper, clearer than ever, reflected over a perfectly smooth pristine lake. Another night after a big animal moaned painfully and crashed right through camp hidden by darkness, the author searched and discovered giant moose footprints. Surprisingly, when a loon yodeled, few of his more hurried campmates knew they had experienced the famous Maine loon.
The author met hikers from all parts of society. Scientists, teachers, vagabonds, business leaders, doctors and even a movie star shared their experiences. Nearly every hiker had an interesting trail name and story. Hiking just a few days together often bonded hikers for life. A common saying was, "This is how all of society should be."
Starting with Maine, each section hike eBook can be downloaded onto phones for not only a backpacking book, but also a nature book! Subway Gramps collected forty years of interesting tidbits from nature books, park brochures, kiosks, and biologists that made each stop so wonderful, he called them "Nature Magic."
The founder of the Appalachian Trial, Benton MacKaye, once said when asked what the purpose of the Appalachian Trail was, he replied, "to walk, to see, and to see what you see." This eBook helps hikers see what they saw!

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