Joseph Barone

Shards of Aether: The Chaos Splinter

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1310604762
EAN 9781310604768
Veröffentlicht November 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Joseph Barone
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Long ago there were five Shards of Aether: Time, Energy, Order, Chaos and Magic. No one truly knows when the shards shattered into billions of pieces. Some remains were as small as powder grains, and some were as large as splinters.
The world is now in chaos. Something has upset the delicate balance. It's almost as if a splinter of Chaos had gone missing...but where? How? And why?
Shards of Aether: The Chaos Splinter is an introductory. multiple-narrator fantasy novel about the struggle to restore Order and the many players involved on each side. Some sides are hidden, lost in the ether...


I'm a Brooklyn author with many different likes and styles of writing such as fantasy, Scifi and other speculative genres, horror, etc. I have a passion for the act of writing and a beautiful family, each of which make me paradisiacally happy.
My first novel, Harold the Imp, was published last year and I'm currently in the process of working on a sequel.
My family is why I write, and they have always been extremely encouraging. I'm in the process of making things happen in the publishing space and looking to grow my brand bigger and better. To that end, I've been putting a couple of things on Smashwords for free so that readers can get a sampling- something that says, "If you liked that even a little, you'll LOVE what this guy can do with his pay books!"
That last part was a little cheeky to ensure you were still reading. If you'd like to connect to collaborate, network, or are interested in an editor, ghostwriter, ?pen pal? -
Then email me at

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