Josh McKenzie

Excel 2019: The Best 10 Tricks To Use In Excel 2019, A Set Of Advanced Methods, Formulas And Functions For Beginners, To Use In Your Spreadsheets

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386262641
EAN 9781386262640
Veröffentlicht November 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Stefano Carotenuto
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

A Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Excel - Microsoft Excel, Business Modelling, Learn Excel, Spreadsheets, Formulas, Shortcuts & Macros
Do you want to build a solid understanding on the basics of Microsoft Excel?Do you want to discover the hidden useful Excel shortcuts?
If so, then keep reading!
If You Answered "Yes" To Any of The Above, Look No Further. This is the guide for you!
Microsoft Excel is easy, but no one can determine the learning time it takes. It depends on you. The method we adopted to help you learn Microsoft Excel quickly starts from the basics and takes you to an advanced level within hours. This book is suitable for people without any previous experience in Excel. This book will learn from the very basics and gradually move on to some of the more advanced features.
Start working proficiently on Microsoft Excel and increase your office productivity.
You will explore the methods about how to analyze your data using functions and VBA formulas in Microsoft excel. This book is perfect for University students, Entry-level Finance, Business, and Marketing professionals who would like to grow faster than their peers.
At completion of this book you will have mastered the most popular Excel tools and come out with confidence to complete any Excel tasks with efficiency and grace.
Here's what makes this book special:
Best and fast way to filter the big data in your spreadsheetsHow to find grammatical errors and highlight themHow to format cells relative to what's insideFormulas related to performing mathematical calculations on data such as simple operations or percentages and obtaining data in real-timeUseful Excel Shortcuts to save timeHow to make excel file lighter based on using various saving formatsMuch, much more!
Then Scroll up, click on "Buy now with 1-Click", and Get Your Copy Now!

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