Joshua Tang

The Awakening:Dr. SmartArmor vs. The Dark Witch (Dr. SmartArmor vs. The Dark Witch., #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230944928
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Joshua Tang
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
7,49 inkl. MwSt.
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The hum of machinery filled the sterile air of the xAI Arctic Laboratory, a sprawling complex carved into the ice of the North Pole. It was March 06, 2147, and the world above remained blissfully unaware of the experiment unfolding beneath the frozen crust. Dr. Elias Voss stood at the heart of the control room, his sharp blue eyes fixed on a holographic display flickering with streams of data. His dark hair, streaked with premature gray, fell slightly over his brow as he adjusted the parameters of the Aurora Project. The project was his brainchild, a daring attempt to harness dark energy as an infinite power source for humanity. Tonight was the night it would either succeed or cement his reputation as a reckless visionary.
Around him, the room buzzed with quiet efficiency. Technicians monitored secondary consoles, their faces illuminated by the cold glow of screens. The lab itself was a marvel of modern engineering: reinforced walls of titanium alloy, floors lined with anti-static panels, and a central chamber housing the dark energy core, a pulsating orb of obsidian light suspended in a magnetic field. Elias felt a familiar thrill in his chest. This was the edge of discovery, the precipice where science could rewrite the rules of reality.


Joshua Tang is a pioneering writer of the new generation, adept at leveraging AI tools like Grok 3 and ChatGPT to craft captivating stories and series across genres such as sci-fi, romance, and suspense. Born and raised in China, he draws inspiration from the fusion of technology and culture, infusing his work with deep insights into artificial intelligence and its intersection with humanity. Circuit of Desire, one of his standout works, explores a forbidden romance between an AI sex companion and a human, unraveling the complexities of emotion and ethics. Joshua's writing style is bold and versatile, pushing the boundaries of traditional storytelling to guide readers into the confluence of future and imagination. Currently residing in China, he aspires to move to the United States in the future, where he plans to continue harnessing AI to create more gripping literary journeys.

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