Joy Kluver

Left for Dead

Absolutely gripping crime fiction packed with suspense. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1800199988
EAN 9781800199989
Veröffentlicht Januar 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Bookouture
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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The detective stared at the young woman lying on the bed. She almost looked peaceful, her face like porcelain. Despite everything she had been through, she was still beautiful.
When DI Bernie Noel hurries to Keira Howard's hospital bedside, she knows that Keira has been lucky. Barely conscious and badly injured, at least she is alive. Convinced that Keira's attack is the latest in a string of increasingly violent assaults on young women in the area, the next victim might not be so fortunate. So she vows to find the man who did this, and to stop him before anyone else gets hurt.
Spurring her team into action, she quickly hones in on a prime suspect. But then he suddenly dies while on police watch, and Bernie's investigation goes into freefall. When Bernie's superiors won't let her take the case any further, her gut instinct tells her there's much more to his death than meets the eye. If it was murder, who would want him dead, and why? So she determines to set out on her own to find out what happened.
But the closer Bernie comes to discovering the truth, the more she is putting her own life in danger. And with Keira finally strong enough to talk her about her attack, Bernie worries she may be at risk yet again. There's someone out there who has killed to stay safe in the shadows; can Bernie stop another senseless death, and save Keira, before it's too late?
An utterly compelling crime thriller full of twists and suspense, perfect for fans of Val McDermid, Angela Marsons and Cara Hunter. A DeadGoodBooks award shortlisted crime novel 2022.
Readers love LEFT FOR DEAD:
'Wow!! Just Wow!! What can I even say?!? Joy you have absolutely slam dunked it yet again!!.. absolutely heart racing!! What an absolutely EPIC read... As you can tell from my opening statement this book is brilliant! More than brilliant, amazing!!!... The storyline is absolutely gripping, addictive and captivating. Filled with everything you are looking for in a book... Suspense, tension, mystery, red herrings, researched police procedural, bombshells, you name it this book has it. I was absolutely hooked from the first page to the last… I absolutely LOVED the ending…!! This is one of the best crime series I've read… Overall an addictive, gripping, heart racing, nail biting and page turning thriller that will keep you hooked… I would recommend this book to the fans of the above as well as fans Melissa Leigh, Carla Hunter, Angela Marsons, C. L Taylor, Val McDermid, Carol Wyer and anyone looking for a great new series.' bookworm86, -----
'Wow what a book… I don't want to say anymore as it could spoil the book for others but this an excellent story and I have loved every second of reading it…


Joy Kluver

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