Juan Pastorelli

Further Epics of Dakaron (Shadows of Dakaron, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230029335
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller JEP Geek Designs
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Further Epics of Dakaron is a continuation of the many adventures made by characters set in the world of Dakaron, a fictional bowl-shaped world orbited by two moons. Dakaron is a fantasy land that consists of a huge central continent surrounded by several lesser continents and a vast sea full of underwater empires. These stories show a small slice of adventuring life experienced by different characters in different time periods and locations.- Gurney and his Pet - an adventurer trapped in a dungeon befriends a baby shapeshifting monster as he struggles to escape.- Faith's Foundry - the priestess Sandra finally meets Aldro Shieldcrusher, the former inquisitor pledged to bring down the tyranny of the Hierarchs of Maza- Blood and Fire - a blacksmith steps up to defend her village from a monster, but all is not what it seems- Another excerpt from the Wanderings and Aventures of Repute: A Swan Song - Swan Ramala allies with the erinyes Desdemona and the demonelf Enyo to track down their common enemy- The Great Druid - The Archdruid Runeswick learns of the betrayal of the Guardians and investigates the battle-torn base to learn of their fate


When I was a young boy my father read fairy tales to me. I watched him read books every chance he got. As I grew up, I learned how precious and amazing books were. I quickly gravitated to fiction, specifically fantasy, and I have been in love with it ever since. When I was in sixth grade my English teacher saw how creative I was and recommended that I start writing stories.
I have been writing ever since, on and off. I became a DM for Dungeons and Dragons just to be able to continue writing fiction and fantasy in some form. Now that I am older, happily married, with three amazing boys that I hope will catch the same bug I got, I am finding that I want to have more of my stories out there than bottled up in here.
I am the creator of the world of Dakaron, a fantasy world setting. I've been playing D&D for close to thirty years, primarily as a Dungeon Master. For most of that time, I've designed and run my own world. This world has been my brainchild, grown from scraps of adventures to the huge bustling world it is now. A surprising amount of my stories originate or involve my world, either in past form or future form. Some stories also run parallel to Dakaron, but that explanation must wait for another time.

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