Judith Eagle

The Great Theatre Rescue

A show-stopping middle-grade adventure, perfect for fans of Hilary McKay and Katherine Rundell. Empfohlen 9 bis 13 Jahre. Main. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 384 Seiten
ISBN 0571363296
EAN 9780571363292
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Faber & Faber
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Charley doesn't mind that she's had an unconventional childhood. Growing up behind the curtain in London's West End has been full of excitement. Charley has even begun taking a turn on stage. But her dreams of being a performer are shattered when she is sent off to boarding school.
On arrival, Charley discovers that the school is a place where the girls are forced to do unpaid work in order to fill the pockets of the owners.
With the theatre in peril back home, Charley has no choice but to escape, and to make a dangerous journey along the coast in order to get back to all that she loves, and to save her beloved home.


Judith Eagle was a stylist, fashion editor and features writer. She now spends her mornings writing and her afternoons working in a secondary school library. She is the author of The Secret Starling, The Pear Affair, The Accidental Stowaway and The Stolen Songbird. Her books have been Waterstones Book of the Month and have been shortlisted for the Edward Stanford Children's Travel Book of the Year Award and the Young Quills Award for Best Historical Fiction. Judith lives with her family and her cat, Stockwell, in South East London.

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