Julia Armfield

Our Wives Under The Sea

'A gothic fairy tale, sublime' - Florence Welch. Empfohlen ab 18 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 1529017246
EAN 9781529017243
Veröffentlicht März 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Picador
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Winner of the Polari Prize 2023
Shortlisted for the Gordon Bowker Volcano Prize
'A gothic fairy tale, sublime in its creepiness' - Florence Welch
Our Wives Under The Sea is the haunting novel from Julia Armfiled, the critically acclaimed author of Salt Slow. It's a story of falling in love, loss, grief, and what life there is in the deep, deep sea.
Miri thinks she has got her wife back, when Leah finally returns after a deep sea mission that ended in catastrophe. But It soon becomes clear that Leah may have come back wrong. Whatever happened in that vessel, whatever it was they were supposed to be studying before they were stranded on the ocean floor, Leah has carried part of it with her, onto dry land and into their home.
Memories of what they had before - the jokes they shared, the films they watched, all the small things that made Leah hers - only remind Miri of what she stands to lose. Living in the same space but suddenly separate, Miri comes to realize that the life that they had might be gone.
'A wonderful novel, deeply romantic and fabulously strange' - Sarah Waters, author of Ghost Wall
'Part bruisingly tender love story, part nerve-clanging submarine thriller' - The Times


Julia Armfield was born in London in 1990. She is a fiction writer with a Master's in Victorian Art and Literature from Royal Holloway University. She was shortlisted for the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year, longlisted for the Deborah Rogers Award, and won the White Review Short Story Prize as well as the Pushcart Prize. Salt Slow is her critically acclaimed short story collection. Our Wives Under The Sea is her first novel.

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