Julia Samuel

This Too Shall Pass

Stories of Change, Crisis and Hopeful Beginnings. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0241983916
EAN 9780241983911
Veröffentlicht März 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin

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'One of the most valuable books I've ever read' Adwoa Aboah
If change is the natural order of things, why do we struggle with the huge milestones in our lives?
At a time when even the most certain things feel disrupted, acclaimed psychotherapist Julia Samuel provides an antidote to the chaos we are all feeling. In this Sunday Times bestseller, Julia draws on hours of conversations with her patients to show how we can learn to adapt and even thrive during our most difficult and transformative experiences.
From a new mother struggling with the decision to return to work, to a father handling a serious medical diagnosis, from a woman deciding whether to leave her husband for a younger lover, to a man struggling to repair his marriage after the trauma of suffering with COVID-19 in the ICU, this book unflinchingly deals with the hard times in family, love, work, health and identity.
Illuminated by the latest social and psychological research, these 19 powerful, unforgettable and deeply intimate stories about everyday people will inform our understanding of our own unique response to change and improve the way we approach challenges at every stage of life.
'Examines the power that comes from dealing effectively with change' Elizabeth Day


Julia Samuel

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