Julian Mellor

The Proper Golfing Handbook

The complete guide to transforming your game. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 112 Seiten
ISBN 1912621967
EAN 9781912621965
Veröffentlicht November 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Fernhurst Books Limited
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The Proper Golfing Handbook uses words, photos and videos to explain all the key skills. The idea is to understand the theory first, then see it in action. This is a book that can be taken with you onto the golf course in your golf bag for when your game needs that instant fix. If you are a complete beginner the early chapters give a firm base on which to build your game: grip, stance, set-up and a relaxed swing. These are the foundations to which you must return before each shot, and are the basis for the effortless power we all want. If you are an improver the book acts as your reset. It explains how to make all the different types of shot, and how to get out of trouble. And since golf is the ultimate psychological game it helps you find a more positive and realistic mindset. In short, The Proper Golfing Handbook shows how to fix your game for good. If you are an experienced golfer wanting to take your game to a new level, help is at hand. Use The Proper Golfing Handbook to check the basics, then learn how to fade and draw the ball, make high and low shots, and play from poor or sloping lies. It will also help you score better by managing the course. If you are a senior golfer Julian Mellor shows how to prepare your body for golf using exercises and good warm-up routines. He teaches a realistic swing for life, one that will avoid injury but still deliver power and accuracy. All golfers will appreciate the final chapter on common faults and how to fix them, and particularly how to reset mid-round if you 'lose it'. Read on, relax, get out of your own way and let the magic happen. Proper golfing is within your grasp!


Julian Mellor is a world-renowned golf coach and co-founder (with partner Jo Cameron) of Proper Golfing, an online platform that helps golfers of all skill levels improve their game. His YouTube channel has over 28K subscribers. Prior to becoming a coach, he turned professional aged 19 and spent the next two decades playing in various PGA competitive events.

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