Children's Language and Communication Difficulties - Julie Dockrell

Julie Dockrell

Children's Language and Communication Difficulties

1. Auflage. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 14.
pdf eBook , 196 Seiten
ISBN 0826421547
EAN 9780826421548
Veröffentlicht Juni 1999
Verlag/Hersteller Continuum

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Children's language difficulties affect many areas of functioning and development. Since most children with these difficulties are expected to function in ordinary schools and nurseries it is important that parents, teachers and practitioners have a broad understanding of the issues. Language and communication problems typically fall under the umbrella terms 'language disability, 'language delay', or 'language difficulties. They can range from an occasional difficulty with certain sounds to an inability to communicate using spoken language. These problems can occur in isolation or be associated with a range of special needs such as hearing loss, visual impairment or learning disabilities. This is the first introductory text to outline the difficulties experienced by children and link these to issues surrounding multidisciplinary assessment, intervention and service provision. Children's Language and Communication Difficulties offers professionals and parents an up-to-date account of: -the developmental language problems that children experience -the provision available to meet the child's needs the long term impact of language difficulties The authors examine the problems of identification and diagnosis, and explore the range of physical and cognitive disabilities associated with language problems. They have also looked closely at alternative forms of communication and have provided the reader with discussion and evaluation of recently developed intervention techniques.


Julie Dockrell is Head of the School of Psychology and Human Development and Professor of Psychology and Special Needs at IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, University College London, UK.


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