Justin Waine

Prince of Slayers (The Company of Slayers, #3)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1739180763
EAN 9781739180768
Veröffentlicht 31. März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Epsom Fantasy Press Limited
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Frost and Sand
It has been five years since Balinor seized the throne of Kangorn. In that time Kyrian has carved out his own territory on the fringes of the steppe, while on the other side of the world Dryana has made the Company of Slayers one of the leading merchant houses.
Slinker arrives in Nerlinea carrying a cargo that will make the Slayers vastly wealthier, but only if Dryana can close a deal with an infamous trader. The pair find themselves in a land of violent criminals, duplicitous merchants, and ruthless nobility all scheming to use the Slayers for their own ends.
Yet none of them has reckoned with the most dangerous manipulator of them all. For Saliana Slayer has a plan and she will do anything to see it succeed.


Justin Waine has been writing fantasy novels for almost as long as he has been reading them. Having spent the last two decades working in the investment industry he decided he really should get around to publishing some of them. He is the author of The Company of Slayers series and The Kylnnar War Saga. When not writing he spends his time training and teaching martial arts.

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