
The Transformation

Program "Paralympic Games". Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 192 Seiten
ISBN 2490660543
EAN 9782490660544
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Fondation Ipsen BookLab
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This manga was produced thanks to the support of France's Paralympic Sports Committee and in collaboration with the athlete Ryadh Sallem (wheelchair rugby).
"The French Paralympic and Sports Committee (CPSF) leads France's Paralympic team to the Games. Paralympic manga are a unique opportunity to discover and learn more about sports that are still mostly unknown. And, through an original medium, linking the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games with those of Paris 2024, along with all Paralympic athletes."
Marie-Amélie Le Fur (President of the French Paralympic and Sports Committee)
Confined to a wheelchair following a life-changing accident, a former boxer turns to wheelchair rugby in order to rediscover his taste for competitions and victories. Claiming to be concerned only with the future, an exceptional situation will lead him to reconsider the road traveled.
Fascinated by manga's history, its features, and in particular, the originality of animation, Amandine Bolifraud, alias Kara7, grew an interest in drawing manga. After obtaining her baccalaureate (France's equivalent of A-Levels), she decided to study at the AAA - École de Manga, thus beginning her adventure. Kara7 has been illustrating ever since, notably on social media (https://fr-fr.facebook.com/karasept/).
In collaboration with Ryadh Sallem, a high-level Paralympic athlete, and initiator of humanitarian and associative projects aimed at combating all forms of discrimination. President of CAPSAAA, organizer of the Defistival and of societal and cultural conferences, he is also the initiator of Educapcity, a large urban rally dedicated to 8-14 year olds. He also serves as a consultant to companies and the media, member of CROSIF and APELS, administrator of VIVRE FM, the Gécina Foundation, and Associate Manager of "Séquences Clés Production"... all to promote fraternity and living together in peace.

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