Karen Lee Field

The Land of Miu

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0994336209
EAN 9780994336200
Veröffentlicht Mai 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Karen Lee Field
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Twelve year old Kate Dawson is unhappy at home. Her widowed mother has remarried and Kate has a stepfather and a six year old half-sister, Emma, who is nothing but a pest. She knows the resentment she feels towards Emma and her stepfather is making her mum unhappy, but Kate is confused by the deep feelings of guilt and jealousy that plague her.
One morning, Emma disappears down a mystical looking well. Irritated but worried, Kate follows and the two girls are thrust into the tunnels of Miu, an unknown place built within the lava tunnels of an extinct volcano. They meet a young Miuan princess and her guard, who are on the run, and the girls are instantly swept into a danger that will test their skills, their friendship and their love.


Born within the sound of the Bow bells in London, Karen Lee Field was seven when her parents decided to move to the "Lucky Country" and settle in Sydney, Australia. Apart from enjoying time with her family and pets, Karen loves escaping to fantasy worlds — places where her sometimes ordinary life is transformed into an exciting adventure and her imagination is set free. She writes novels for children and adults in various genres, and her short stories appear in several anthologies. She currently lives on the south coast of NSW.
Follow her website: http://www.karenleefield.com, or, subscribe to her newsletter to be notified when she releases a new book and offers discounted or free ebooks: https://mailchi.mp/c1da6bd8c29c/klf-subscribe

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