Karen Tei Yamashita

Through the Arc of the Rain Forest

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1566895049
EAN 9781566895040
Veröffentlicht September 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Coffee House Press
17,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Yamashita "blends the . . . surrealism of Garcia Marquez, bizarre science fiction . . . à la Stanislaw Lem, and a gift for satirizing . . . that recalls Heller of Catch-22" (Publishers Weekly). This freewheeling black comedy features a bizarre cast of characters, including a Japanese man with a ball floating six inches in front of his head, an American CEO with three arms, and a Brazilian peasant who discovers the art of healing by tickling one's earlobe with a feather. By the end of this hilarious tale, they each have risen to the heights of wealth and fame, before arriving at disasters-both personal and ecological- that destroy the rain forest and all birds of Brazil. "Fluid and poetic as well as terrifying." -New York Times Book Review "Dazzling . . . A seamless mixture of magic realism, satire and futuristic fiction." -San Francisco Chronicle "Impressive . . . A flight of fancy through a dreamlike Brazil." -Village Voice "Surreal and misty, sweeping from one high-voltage scene to another." -LA Weekly "Amuses and frightens at the same time." -Newsday "Incisive and funny, this book yanks our chains and makes us see the absurdity that rules our world." -Booklist (starred review) "Expansive and ambitious . . . Incredible and complicated." -Library Journal


Karen Tei Yamashita: Karen Tei Yamashita is the author of Through the Arc of the Rain Forest, Brazil-Maru, Tropic of Orange, Circle K Cycles, I Hotel, and Anime Wong, all published by Coffee House Press. I Hotel was selected as a finalist for the National Book Award and awarded the California Book Award, the American Book Award, the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association Award, and the Association for Asian American Studies Book Award. She has been a US Artists Ford Foundation Fellow and co-holder of the University of California Presidential Chair for Feminist & Critical Race & Ethnic Studies. She is currently Professor of Literature and Creative Writing at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

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