Katie Silcox


Practices for Awakening Your Inner Light and Loving Yourself as You Are-Broken, Beautiful, and Sacred. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 256 Seiten
ISBN 1637743734
EAN 9781637743737
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2023
Verlag/Hersteller BenBella Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
22,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Today, we're dealing with high stress levels, anxiety, and a deep sense that something is missing from our overly technologized lives. We long for community, spiritual authenticity, and a feeling of belonging in the body.
You are not alone, and you are not permanently stuck.
Glow-Worthy's powerful framework combining modern science and wisdom from global spiritual traditions will help you live a fuller, more authentic life-no matter your background or faith.
It's possible to live from a place of deep connection to something that is far sweeter, far more powerful, and far wiser than you ever knew. To feel aligned in your mind and heart with a sense of purpose that resonates all the way to your soul. And to recapture an authentic relationship with your physical, breathing body that, in turn, can deepen your engagement with the world around you.
From Katie Silcox, New York Times bestselling author of Healthy, Happy, Sexy, Glow-Worthy is a guidebook for accessing your inner light-that guiding spiritual force within us that connects us to the Divine (whether you believe that to be the Universe, God, or another Higher Power)-and letting it illuminate your innate power and worth.
Through guided meditations, journaling prompts, and more, you'll:
Strengthen your direct line to your own wisdomDiscover your own unique spiritual pathEstablish a spiritual practice that works for youEmbrace the belief that every part of you (even the messiest ones) is worthy of loveGain a new perspective on your body, your emotions, and your daily life
Your inner Divine is the source and spark of spiritual light that resides within each of us. And the only person who can truly connect with and nourish that sacred inner spark is you. Glow-Worthy gives you the tools to connect with your Higher Self-and shine from the inside out.


Katie Silcox, MA, is the New York Times bestselling author of the book Healthy, Happy, Sexy: Ayurveda Wisdom for Modern Women. She is the founder and executive director of The Shakti School, a premier online certification school for women-centered holistic wellness. Her business focuses on the convergence of ancient holistic medicine, modern science, and heart-centered spirituality. In a former life, she was a cover model for Yoga Journal magazine, and was named one of "San Francisco's Best Yoga Teachers" and one of "100 Trailblazers in Yoga and Ayurveda."

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