Kd Lumsden

The Metalist's Journey

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 195967904X
EAN 9781959679042
Veröffentlicht August 2023
Verlag/Hersteller KD Lumsden
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Irwin had always disappointed his father, but this will be the last time.
Kobiton is a city that welcomes most. But people with Talents, secret powers, must watch their step.
After descending the mountain with their monthly cache of coal, Samuel 'Irwin' Miner and his father, Albert, have come to deliver their goods and purchase a night to remember at the Hairy Yak Saloon. They enjoy whiskey and meals, and select their women, but Irwin cannot commit to this expectation his father has placed on him. Saryh understands this and acknowledges Irwin's true identity. She supports his courage and his decision. A decision his father refuses to accept.
As Irwin embraces his true self, he grapples with his father's inner demons and confronts societal norms.
This LGBTQ Free Fantasy novella explores acceptance, self-discovery, and the bonds that transcend difference.
Tropes: Noblebright Fantasy, Found Family, High Action, High Stakes, High Fantasy, Morally Grey Characters, Diverse Story, Queer MC, Coming Out, Coming of Age, LGBTQ+ Fantasy, No Romance, Magical Fantasy, Gay Fantasy, Queer Fantasy, Shifter Fantasy, New Adult, Hero's Quest, Hero's Journey, Fast Paced, Non-Romantic, Single POV, Sword and Sorcery, Thrilling
Triggers: mentions of abuse, neglect, sodomy, rape, murder

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