Keith Braxton

The Ultimate 7 Steps to Awaken Your Alpha Male: How to Conquer Negative Thinking, Become Fearless, Master Confidence, Improve Your Life, Follow Your Passion and Attract Women (The New Alpha Male Series, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1516317440
EAN 9781516317448
Veröffentlicht Juli 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Keith Braxton
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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It's Time to Unleash the Alpha Male Within You!
By the end of this book, I expect you to be able to hold your head up high, laugh at your own fears, embrace your passions, find your desired personality, approach women with full confidence and be the most awesome alpha male out there!
If you really want to know how to be a true alpha male, you have to BECOME one, and not PRETEND to be one by trying to do a list of the "dos and don'ts." This e-book will help you to become a true alpha male from the inside out. Yes, it starts from the inside out, NOT the other way around. You can't fake it. Faking it is equivalent to lying about who you are.
Believe it or not, you are ALREADY an alpha male, and always have been. All you have to do is to uncover your true nature - your true, authentic, alpha male self!
But how do you do that? Where do you even start? What are different practices you can implement NOW? Don't worry! All these questions and more will be answered in the book.
If you'd like to uncover your true nature, and get back to who you really are, then you will definitely find this book to be invaluable. Not only will it help you to uncover who you really are, but also, it will give you tools and techniques that many other books lack in order to conquer the most difficult obstacles that are stopping you from being the ultimate alpha male; namely, negative thoughts and beliefs. All your life you have been programmed to fail, but that doesn't mean this mental attitude can't be undone. This book will help to strip away all of the negativity so that you can be your true self, your alpha male self.
What can you expect to learn? How does this book benefit you?
In this jam-packed book, you will learn 7 steps to become a true alpha male. In it, you will discover:
Secrets of the universeWho you really are and how to embrace your true selfHow to Become Ultra Confident and handle any situationHow to push yourself and develop a leader mentalityHow to trust your gut instinct for instant alpha male decision makingHow to know when to take inspired actionHow to follow your passion and create a great lifeWhy it is so important for you to get your life together firstHow to attract any woman and have them chasing after you!A very new technique almost guaranteed to give you instant confidence
Read this Book and Uncover Your Powerful, Alpha Male Self Today!
Our goal in this book is to ultimately focus on yourself and your life. After you do so, THEN you will reap all of the rewards. Don't desire to become an alpha male because you will get to have your dream house, your dream car, or your dream girl. Desire to become an alpha male because of WHO you will become along the way - because of the man that you will become. When you fully step into who you really are, then all your wishes in life will all become a natural by-product of what happens when you BECOME your true alpha male self.
You already have the alpha male inside of you, NOW it's time to UNLEASH it!

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