Kenneth E. Bailey

Finding the Lost

Culture Keys to Luke 15. Paperback. Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 234 Seiten
ISBN 0570045630
EAN 9780570045632
Veröffentlicht Oktober 1992
Verlag/Hersteller Concordia Publishing House
34,80 inkl. MwSt.
Lieferbar innerhalb von 5-7 Tagen (Versand mit Deutscher Post/DHL)

This book explores the intended meaning, as well as the implications and applications, of the three parables in Luke 15 (The Good Shepherd and the Lost Sheep, The Good Woman and the Lost Coin, and The Good Father and His Two Lost Sons). It reflects the author's immersion in the language, religion, and culture of the Middle East, demonstrating how meaningful the biblical text becomes when a broad background of study and analysis is permitted to illuminate the text.
Western readers will gain an array of new insights from this volume and will be fascinated by the author's nuances of interpretation. The author's analysis shows how the cultural background of Arabic and Muslim theology affects the interpretation of these parables.