Kenneth P. Lenz

What Scriptural Evidence Is There for a Mid-Acts or Post-Acts Dispensation? (Books by Kenneth P. Lenz)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223082941
Veröffentlicht November 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Agape Book Ministries
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This brief book is intended to clarify the recent teachings of what has been called "mid-Acts" and "post-Acts" dispensationalism (also known as a "Pauline Dispensation"). Our focus, however, will be on what the Word of God teaches and how those Scriptures relate to the Church today. It is my prayer that God will guide us in understanding His Word and His Church. Please note that there is a sequel to this e-book, also offered for free, titled: Is Water Baptism for Today? (A condensed edition of each book can be received by simply reading the "Introduction" and "Conclusion" in each complimentary e-book.)


Dr. Kenneth P. Lenz has served for over twenty-five years in church ministries and as a chaplain. He has also served on the religion faculty and Bible/theology faculty of several colleges. Courses Ken has taught include "Understandings of Religion," "History of Christian Thought," "Survey of the New Testament," and "New Testament Epistles," among others. He has also taught "writing intensive" courses to help students in their writing skills. His earned Ph.D. included an emphasis in Eastern Orthodox Church history and liturgy, and he excels in the area of hermeneutics (biblical interpretation). Ken and his loving wife, Helen, have three grown children: Carrie, Evan, and Bryce.
Notable books under the pen name Ken Lenz, published in hardcover, softcover, and e-book editions, include:
Christ the "I Am": and What He Offers Us
God's Son "Forsaken," His Sacrifice "Finished!"
Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism
Confession and Communion
Other e-books by this author can be seen at, include the following (among others):
Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism: Expanded Edition
The Orthodox Church: An Evangelical Perspective
Lordship Salvation: An Evangelical Perspective
The Bread of Life: A Consistent Sense of John 6
Branches of the Vine: A Fresh Look at John 15

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