Kenneth Spruce

The Weapons of Cancel Culture: Woke Dentistry - The dark side of American dentistry of lost lives and careers for prosthetic dental patients.

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1963312007
EAN 9781963312003
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Blissful BlankPage Press, LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

"I think we have gotten very comfortable discarding human beings, immediately tossing them away and making them irredeemable characters." — Trevor Noah, host "Daily Show," on "Awards Circuit" podcast.
Woke dentists are secretly using cancel culture, social media, and spyware location tracking technologies to expose, shame and eliminate bad and prosthetic dental patients from society in America. It is a secret cancel-shaming-suicide scheme that is well-known on social media and real world streets.
Woke dentists in the middle of surgery when the patient's bad, missing and surgery-damaged teeth are exposed forcibly take full-face photos of them in extortion schemes tied to completing the surgery. The grotesque photos are shared with the patient's employer and co-workers, doxed and digitally live location tracked to social media and real-world patient physical locations in neighborhoods in the USA and multiple other countries abroad (e-shaming).
The author survives a woke dentist from the Springfield Esthetic Dental Center in Northern Virginia in the United States. This dentist forcibly stripped all his prosthetic dental patients and demanded ghastly smile images in the middle of surgery when missing and surgery damaged teeth are exposed and secretly shared them publicly. The resulting public furor of street attacks, abuse and ostracism forces these patients to eventually lose their will to live. The era when dentists privately shamed dental patients with the "dental lecture"is long over.
In this first episode of the whistleblower memoir book series, the author shares the vicious details of the bafflement that consumed him when the dental mafia arrived at his workplace with the surgery photos to demand a job loss. It also provides shocking insights into the secrets of career loss using digital surveillance, told in the story of how dental surgery photos find their way into corporate America shared in the story of how a Big 5 high-tech manager in Reston, Virginia is forced to rescind a job offer to the author. Read the interesting details of how the cancel culture dental mafia secretly prevent its victims from selling their homes after the cancel job loss.

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