Keri Kruspe

Arakiba (Alien Legacy Brotherhood, #3)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798989838646
Veröffentlicht 29. April 2025
Verlag/Hersteller StarChance Publications
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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What if your only chance of survival laid in the hands of a man who can't even remember his own name?
Arakiba wakes up on a derelict ship run by ruthless Ozevroc aliens—galactic gangsters with no mercy and a taste for smuggling human captives. His body aches with the aftermath of battle, but his mind is blank—no memory of who he is, why he's there, or even his own name. His only certainty is a woman named Morgan, a fierce and captivating female who has dragged him from the brink of death. With no one else to trust, she becomes his anchor in a sea of uncertainty.
Morgan is no stranger to danger. Determined to prove her worth and stop an alien threat, she never expected to find herself enslaved by the brutal Ozevroc. Now, her only chance at survival lies with the mysterious man who seems as lost as she is. Drawn to him by more than just circumstance, she feels an undeniable connection, as if fate has bound them together.
Too bad Morgan's convinced he is more than he appears. In a galaxy filled with betrayal, she refuses to listen to her heart. How can she trust a stranger who is a stranger to himself? Would he be a friend or foe against a looming galactic invasion?
As danger surges and enemies tighten their grip, Morgan has no choice but to place her life in Arakiba's hands. He may be lost in the fog of a forgotten past, but her fiery resolve ignites something primal within him, stirring a force he can't ignore. As their bond intensifies and passion flares between them, the looming shadow of Arakiba's buried memories threatens to tear them apart.
They suspect the key to their freedom lies buried in his lost memories. But if his truth is uncovered, will it be more treacherous than the enemies hunting them?


"Author of otherworldly romantic adventures"
A writer since the age of twelve, Keri Kruspe has always been fascinated with otherworldly stories that end with the dream of Happily Ever After.
A native Nevadan, Keri resides with her family in the wilds of Northwest Michigan where she enjoys the stark change in seasons and the pleasures each one brings. An avid reader, Keri loves an enjoyable bottle of red wine, a variety of delicious foods and watching action/adventure movies…usually at the same time. You can find her most days immersed in her fantasy world on her latest novel while foot tappin' to classic rock. When not absorbed in her writing, Keri works alongside her husband in building their dream home or discovering intelligent life in America in their RV.

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