Kevin Biggar

The Oarsome Adventures of a Fat Boy Rower

How I Went from Couch Potato to Atlantic Rowing Race Winner. Main. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 186979429X
EAN 9781869794293
Veröffentlicht Mai 2010
Verlag/Hersteller Random House New Zealand
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
13,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

True, brilliantly written story of how one young man solved his crisis by rowing the Atlantic.
This is a story about trying to find happiness. There is a strange trick to being happy. You have to think certain things, believe certain things and hold your tongue the right way. This is the story of how Kevin Biggar lost the trick and found it again. There's quite a bit about rowing as well.
If you are in a hurry here are the contents of this book in 150 words or less: "I stop being immortal. I have a traumatic pizza ordering experience and realize I am very unhappy. I quit my job, girlfriend, house and go live with my mother. I watch a lot of daytime TV. The 'How's Life' show decides that I row the Atlantic. I team up with the original Naked Rower, we struggle to raise money, start building the boat, start training insanely. I lose the plot. Find a rowing partner, lose a rowing partner, get another rowing partner - Jamie.
"Meet Hot Polish Girl with cold hands. Start the race (badly). Row into storm. Take the lead. Row. Lose the lead. Row. Attempt a Big Push. Nothing happens. More rowing. Hallucinations. Slowly catch up! Another storm. Neck and neck as we sprint to the finish. Capsize and get thrown out of the boat. Get to Barbados! Yay! Get protested against. Boo! Media circus. Win at the protest hearing. Still living with Mum."


Kevin Biggar was a strategy consultant with The Boston Consulting Group when he decided to take part in the world's toughest endurance event, the Trans-Atlantic Rowing Race, with fellow adventurer Jamie Fitzgerald. The incredible story of Kevin's transformation from couch potato to world record holder was awarded the Sunday Star-Times 'Sports Book of the Year 2008'.
His next adventure saw him and Jamie trekking unsupported to the South Pole, and Escape to the Pole tells that story.
Kevin now hosts popular TV series First Crossings, in which he and Jamie re-create some epic New Zealand first crossings in rugged settings.
He's now an Auckland-based motivational speaker who presents at industry conferences and corporate events around NZ and Australia. He speaks about how to take on large challenges, improve teamwork and about how to get the most out of yourself and your team.
Kevin's professional career has included working in problem solving, consulting and strategy roles at The NZ Treasury and large multinationals like The Boston Consulting Group, as well as small businesses and more recently as the CEO of a software startup. This varied background combined with the universal appeal of his adventure stories means that his able to relate to a wide variety of audiences, ages and at all levels from the Board, to CEOs to frontline staff.

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