Kevin P Pearson

The Legend of Brandice May

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1301042501
EAN 9781301042500
Veröffentlicht August 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Kevin P Pearson
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

The Legend of Brandice May. (43,500 words)
A longer tale for kids around 10 -12 plus, telling of a young cat burglar with a difference. Fit, adventurous, 10 year old Lawrence has spent the last year faithfully searching for his lost kitten Lucy. When his admirable efforts pay off, he finds himself caught up in a mysterious plot involving ancient magic. For spoiling these crazy plans the evil Brandice May remains determined to wreak revenge on them both. Our two heroes fight a dangerous witch's coven, rescue a sickly peasant girl, save the weird land of dream and visit strange, far off worlds. The kind, thoughtful pair make powerful friends on the way too, but how will Lawrence and the rather special Lucy stop the unnaturally old evil forever?


Kevin lives in sleepy Northumberland, England, in a small modified shed specifically designed to protect the environment. Due to sheer numbers of homeless folk invited in, he often stays outside. If it rains or grows too cold, he sleeps soundly under a big black bin bag, warmed down to his tiny toes knowing he's helped others survive an increasingly harsh world.
At 5am every morning he tours the countryside on a battered old scooter, selflessly helping senior citizens with shopping and saving innocent kids from burning buildings. Reading, writing, advising multinational companies on important building projects, exercising to Olympic standards and wild bouts of fibbing fill his days.
Kevin wisely spends his spare time dreaming of marrying enchanting Kristin Kreuk of TV's 'Smallville' fame. Perhaps if everyone prays for him his greatest wish may finally come true!

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