Kirsten Hines

Birds of Florida

ebook Ausgabe. 400 colour photos. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 1472993365
EAN 9781472993366
Veröffentlicht 12. September 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Helm

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The definitive photographic guide to the fantastic birds of Florida.
Stretching from temperate North America through the central highlands and vast Everglades wetlands of the peninsula and beyond to its Caribbean Keys, Florida is a great place to go birding at any time of the year. Roseate Spoonbills and Mangrove Cuckoo add a tropical flavour to its rich avifauna; woodland and scrub specialities include Red-cockaded Woodpecker and Florida Scrub-jay, while birds such as Snail Kites soaring over marshes and Snowy Plovers on the mudflats are high on any birder's wish-list. Vast numbers of migrants such as warblers, vireos, and flycatchers passing through each fall and spring add to the spectacle.
This book by biologist and wildlife photographer Kirsten Hines will help you identify more than 300 of Florida's regularly occurring species, including breeding birds, those on passage, and those wintering. Concise text for each species includes information on identification, songs and calls, behavior, distribution, habitat, and seasonality. Each photo has been carefully selected to guide identification, and equal prominence is given to male and female birds. A guide to the best birdwatching sites in Florida is also included.
Portable yet authoritative and comprehensive, Birds of Florida will help you make the most of the dazzling variety of species to be found in the Sunshine State.


Kirsten Hines is a Miami-based author, wildlife photographer, and conservationist with a background in biological research and environmental education. She is author of seven books on Florida's nature and history, including human and natural histories of South Florida's national parks - Biscayne National Park, Dry Tortugas National Park, and Everglades National Park. She espouses the re-greening of South Florida through natural landscaping of private gardens to connect public reserves as exemplified in her books Attracting Birds to South Florida Gardens and Birds of Fairchild, both of which won gold medals at the Florida Authors and Publishers Book Awards. Her most recent work, Wild Florida: An Animal Odyssey, is a celebration of Florida's wildlife. Kirsten's writing and photography have also appeared in numerous publications, including Audubon, Birding Magazine, and Bird Watcher's Digest. Her photography has won awards, including placement in prominent nature photography showcases such as that of the North American Nature Photography Association, public art programs, artist-in-residences, and over 100 merit-based exhibitions.
In addition to her writing and photography, Kirsten shares her enthusiasm for birds and nature through lectures, workshops and other educational opportunities. She supports institutional conservation through her board membership in Audubon Florida and Tropical Audubon Society. She co-founded the Miami-based women's birding group Phoebes Birding as a means to connect women through nature with a particular emphasis on introducing novice birders to birding and to empower women to take more of a leadership role in the birding community.

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