Kit Duncan

Life's Road Trip

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1311483101
EAN 9781311483102
Veröffentlicht September 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Kit Duncan
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Detours, signs, pedestrians, vehicles - these are just a few of the elements encountered when driving, and living. New drivers must learn how to navigate to make their journey fun and safe. More experienced drivers may find a refresher course useful from time to time.
Life's Road Trip is a delightful little cruise through the twists and turns that most people experience as they journey along life's highways, byways, country roads and busy side streets. Concise nuggets of wisdom and anecdotes dot the landscape of the pages of this enchanting little book, providing intriguing suggestions for driving in a way that takes you where you want to go.
The ideal gift for the young or experienced "driver," readers of all ages will be captivated by the wit and charm of this innovative driving manual from the point of departure to the end of the road.
Kit Duncan's Life's Road Trip - buckle up and shift into gear for the ride of your life!


Kit Duncan is a licensed clinical social worker with over thirty years of experience in working with families, children, couples, groups, and individuals. She holds the Master of Science in Social Work degree from the University of Texas at Arlington and has done postgraduate work at the University of South Carolina at Columbia.
Kit taught college for fifteen years and has been a presenter at numerous national and regional conferences and workshops. She has been the Clinical Director of Human Services Consultation since 1987. Besides writing and publishing numerous professionally technical articles she has written several novels. She has also been an editor for an international newsletter and is a freelance editor.
Kit lives on a little speck of Paradise located in central Kentucky with her family. Her passions are gardening, hiking, making musical instruments (flutes and strings) and writing songs on them.

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