Kj Warawa

Cursed to Dream (Cursed to Love, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1998912329
EAN 9781998912322
Veröffentlicht 24. April 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Mystic City Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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A found family, slower burn, paranormal romance with witchy vibes.
He's racing against the curse. She's sinking beneath it... and their time is slipping away.
Jake Young is fiercely overprotective of those he cares about, driven by guilt and the haunting memory of the one time he failed to protect someone he loved.
He made a promise after that: never again. No attachments, no risks—and certainly no love. With his loyal St. Bernard at his side, Jake is content keeping everyone but family at arm's length.
Until he discovers Mae McFadden.
Cursed and running out of time, Mae's nightmares—filled with despair and sorrow—are consuming her. Breaking the curse could save her, but there's a catch: it demands true love.
For Jake, love means risking everything. For Mae, it's a vulnerability she swore off after a lifetime of abandonment—even her English Mastiff earns more of her trust than her new found family.
But the curse is relentless. As a snowstorm traps them, danger closes in, and the clock ticks down, Jake and Mae must decide: will falling in love be their salvation—or their ultimate destruction?
Cursed to Dream is the second book in the Cursed to Love series. Each book features a different couple and can be read as a standalone, although readers may get more enjoyment from reading them in order. A slower burn, paranormal romance with magic curses, a guaranteed happily ever after, strong language, and some sexy times. Enjoy!


Hope, love, and magic are strong themes within author KJ Warawa's paranormal romance novels. She began dabbling in writing in 2018 and published the first book in the In Magic series in 2023. Although she describes herself as kind of serious and boring, her résumé is anything but. KJ has been a sign language interpreter, massage therapist, Canadian soldier, and continuous improvement advisor. She holds certifications only business people appreciate, and while she insists she's entirely mundane, she works magic with spreadsheets.
Lined yellow sticky notes are among KJ's essential writing tools, and she's rarely caught without her e-reader in hand. At her current rate of reading about 250 books a year, KJ should be able to work through her TBR of more than 1,500 books by 20—Oh, who is she kidding? TBRs grow, not shrink!

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